I Love You, Weekend

What a day, what a day!  I kept turning to A (he was home from school because he had a doctor’s appointment for her hurt back) and saying “I can’t believe it’s not Saturday yet!”  It was like a fake butter commercial, but with more enthusiasm!

After my post this morning I headed out to the gym.  I snacked on this blueberry Z-bar for fuel while I walked.


This was a bar fail.  I’m a huge Clif fan but I will not be trying the z-bar again.

I planned on running at the gym but when I discovered that my i-pod was dead I totally lost my mojo.  I ended up being motivated by a People in the magazine rack to do 20minutes, level 8, on the stepmill.  I followed it up witha 5minute abs and stretching session.  Every time I make it back to the gym I remember how much I adore it, I need to stop letting work rule my life.  With 20days until I’m back in a bikini I can’t think of a better time to get motivated.

After the gym A met me at the grocery store and we stocked up on dairy goods for next week.  I’ll be giving my reflections on Sunday, but I can say now that A is not a vegan at heart.  After my shower we decided to enjoy our weekday together by heading to ‘Snice (we are getting a little obsessed)!

I tried the Vegan Tempeh Reuben.


Holy frick, so good!  I adore rubens, I’ve never had a real one because I stopped eating meat (mammals) before 8th grade, but turkey reubens rock my socks.  I am already excited for the one I will get at a place back home that uses cole slaw instead of ‘kraut.  This guy had the fabulous addition of sprouts.


I ate 90% of the sandwich and 15% of the salad.  A and I also split a Malted Milkless Shake.


This really did taste like the inside of a Malted Milk Ball.  The sweet stuff didn’t end there though.

We headed to the movies from lunch, and on the way we stopped in at Union Market.  I spotted this Ugli fruit, I’ve never tried one before, but I had to buy it!


Look at the size of it compared to my hand!  I am super excited to peel this big mama open.

We saw “I Love You, Man” which was fabulous.  Paul Rudd is such a great actor.  My only complaint is that they really went for the awkward moment comedy.  I am really unable to handle embarrassing tv/movie situations.  I almost never get embarrassed in my own life but when characters are in awkward moments I just die – I actually covered my ears during the wedding toast moment! 

For snacks I bought a large diet coke (obvi!) and brought along a mini bag of Ike and Sam’s kettle corn.


I almost never eat pre-prepped popcorn – if you’re going to be obsessed go for the real stuff – but I wanted to try this brand and it did not disappoint.  I also bought a vegan brownie from ‘Snice.


Tasty, tasty.

We fiddle-faddledaround a bit when we got home and got a late start on dinner.  Thankfully, it was an easy prep (with leftovers for tomorrow too!).  We made ww pasta, topped with fire roasted tomato and garlic pasta sauce, and this new buy.


This Gimmie Lean fake meat ranks pretty high on my fake meats scale; better than the beef strips but not as good as the fakin’ bacon.


I topped my bowl with a slice of veggie cheese and some roasted yellow squash and zucchini.


It was very satisfying and I am look forward to eating it for dinner tomorrow.

A is watching “Princess Bride” on TV and it is definitely sucking me in so I’ve got to go.  I’ll see you in the AM for a fun breakfast.

What genre of movie do you enjoy?  I am all about the comedy, other than Zach Braff (frickin’ unbelievably genius, his musical pairings are beyond brilliant) Jude Apataw is my favorite director.

5 Responses to I Love You, Weekend

  1. Sarah says:

    i like comedies, too. and epic romances (shhhhhhh). you had me laughing out loud with your butter commercial talk!

  2. Sharon says:

    Totally love comedies, and adventure movies too. Oh wow, love your tasty eats!

  3. verbalriot says:

    I love comedies and action movies and Zach Braff is AMAZING! I have all Scrubs seasons on DVD 🙂

    Yummy sandwich!

  4. VeggieGirl says:

    Great eats and malted shake!!

    I enjoy horror films the most.

  5. shteyndl says:

    I used to eat ugli fruits all the time… let me know what you think! i will say the one you bought looks much prettier than my previous experiences.

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